Hazel Sutcliffe
Vice Chair
Hazel was born in the village and has family connections with Holmes Chapel going back over 100 years. She has lived in various other towns and countries but returned "home" about 30 years ago.
She retired as a teacher of French and German some years ago but keeps up her languages by running a French conversation group with the U3A and is still involved with the production and marking of German exams.
She has been on the committee of the Partnership since its inception. She is keen to be green and keeps trying to promote cycling and walking as an alternative to the car. Both with the Partnership and the South East Cheshire Cycling Action Group she has been involved in the production of maps to facilitate this. She represented Partnership on the Dane Meadow Project Board and has maintained the connection with Dane Meadow by running the Friends group.
She loves gardening and producing her own fruit and veg. She helps husband, Pete, with his beekeeping and, when time and energy allow, they go cycling and swimming. They have two daughters one of whom lives with her partner and two children near Oxford, and one who is a biodiversity expert based in Germany.